Diane Fingleton served as Chief Magistrate of the Queensland Magistrates Court from 1999-2003, though her time in the position was surrounded by controversy. Her career spans a range of legal and policy-related roles and she discusses the workings of politics and justice in Queensland.
Public servant Peter Coaldrake served as the chair of the Goss Government's Public Sector Management Commission. He played a significant role in the reform of the culture and structures of the Queensland public service.
Labor politician Jim Elder entered parliament in 1989 and served as a minister in the Goss Government. He became Deputy Premier when the Labor Party returned to power in 1998.
Labor politician Tom Barton speaks about his career in the trade union movement and his election to the Queensland parliament in 1995, focusing on his commitment to development and his time as Minister for State Development in the second Beattie Government.
Labor politician Terry Mackenroth discusses a career which began in Opposition during the Bjelke-Petersen era, and included ministries in both the Goss and Beattie governments. In 2000 he was Deputy Premier and in 2001 Treasurer, retiring in 2005. He discusses his reforms in planning and infrastructure, his commitment to social issues, and the threat posed by One Nation.
National Party member Lawrence Springborg entered parliament in 1989, he served in the Borbidge Government 1996-98 and played an integral role in the creation of the Liberal National Party.
Liberal Party politician Joan Sheldon was leader of the Liberal Party in Queensland from 1991-98. In the Borbidge Government 1996-98 she was Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for the Arts. She reflects on her work as Treasurer and commitment to social equality.
As Director General of Education in the Goss Government 1990-94, public servant Roger Scott comments on the relationship between the Education Department and tertiary education institutes including TAFE. He reflects on the merging of tertiary institutions.
Labor Party politician Rod Welford served in a number of ministries in successive Beattie Governments including Environment, Attorney General as well as Education, Training and the Arts.
Public servant Robin Sullivan discusses her career including her work as the Director General of the Department of Child Safety. She reflects on her time as the Children and Young People's Commissioner and discusses her experiences of gender inequality as well as her professional commitment to social justice.