Llew Edwards discusses Expo '88. He notes the role of both the federal and state governments in Expo. He discusses the resumption of land at the Southbank site. He describes his appointment to the University of Queensland Senate.
Peter Ellis details his move from environmental control into the Premier's Department. He describes the challenge of combining the Premier's Department with the Coordinator General's Department. He discusses his role as responsible for inter-governmental relations. He discusses his attendance at ministerial councils.
Peter Ellis notes that in 1986 his perceptions of government changed. He describes the preparations for the 1987 Premiers' conference where it was set to discuss the overlap between state and federal issues. He describes the coming of the Ahern Government and Ahern's style of listening to advisors, which was in contrast to Bjelke-Petersen's style of having key public service advisors.
Peter Henneken discusses federal-state relations with regards to labour market reform. He compares the policy resources of the Commonwealth Public Service as opposed to various the state bureaucracies with reference to labour policy.
Molly Robson discusses equality for women with emphasis on the importance of continuing to push for reforms and the risk that younger women are unaware of existing inequalities.
Bill Hayden discusses his own involvement in the reform group and Murphy's role in pushing him to promote intervention. He details factionalism in the Labor Party and his belief they are causing problems for the Labor Party today. He goes into the nature of Labor Party conference debates of the past which he describes as a real contest of ideas.
Wilf Ardill comments on his involvement in several social movements and the lack of support such movements generally received from the Queensland ALP hierarchy.