Joy Ardill recalls her experiences from the 1979 ALP Conference held in Rockhampton and the concerted push for intervention in the ALP following the conference. She recalls the difficulty of convincing interstate unions to support this move.
Joy Ardill outlines her role in the formation of Socialist Left (SL) from the mid-1970s along with Anne Warner, Sue Yarrow, Hamish Linacre, Billie Watts, Cath Rafferty and Kath Turner who formed the Left Steering Committee before the 1979 Rockhampton ALP Conference. She states that getting left unions into the SL was important but difficult.
Bob Henricks discusses the ALP splitters including Gerry Jones, Clem Jones, Harry Hauenschild, Neal Kane, Fred Whitby and Tom Burton with support from Ron McLean, Secretary of the 'Wharfies'.
Bob Henricks discusses members of the THG: Neal Kane (ETU), Harry Hauenschild (Metals Union), Archie Bevis (TWU), Tom Burton (Printing Union), Fred Whitby (FMWU then became TLC Secretary), and Jack Egerton (TLC), and Tom Burns.
Norma Jones discusses her appointment to the new Administrative Committee of the ALP after intervention and the sale of 4KQ which aided in re-establishing the party at the Peel Street site in Brisbane.